Where to find us


ANALYTIKA®, spol. s r.o.
Khodlova 1297/47
193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic

Company ID: 14891883
VAT: CZ14891883

Data box identifier: zt8medi

Bank Contacts

Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
Radlická 333/150
150 57 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Acc. N.: 336959864/0300

IBAN: CZ64 0300 0000 0003 3695 9864        SWIFT/BIC: CEKOCZPP

Sales departments and warehouses

ANALYTIKA®, spol. s r.o.
Ke Klicovu 2a/816
190 00 - Praha 9, Czech Republic

tel: +420 286 589 819
fax: +420 286 589 616
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Reference Materials Department

Production centre Radlik

ANALYTIKA®, spol. s r.o.
Radlik 156
254 01 - Jilove u Prahy, Radlik, Czech Republic 

tel: +420 286 589 819 
fax: +420 286 589 616 
e-mail: sales@analytika.net 

Testing Laboratory

Accredited testing laboratory Radlik

ANALYTIKA®, spol. s r.o.

Radlik 156  254 01 - Jilove u Prahy, Radlik, Czech Republic 


Executive director

Ing. Daniela Weisserová
tel: +420 286 589 818
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Reference Materials Department

Ing. Daniela Weisserová
Head of the Reference Materials Department
tel: +420 286 589 818 
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Mgr. Mirka Petránková
Production centre manager
tel: +420 224 282 645
e-mail: vyroba@analytika.net

Sales Department

Vladimír Patera
Sales Manager
tel: +420 286 589 819, +420 603 831 550
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Ing. Petra Hájková
Sales representative
tel: +420 286 589 616, +420 732 644 338
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Eliška Toufarová
Sales representative
tel: +420 286 589 616, +420 731 420 953
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Ing. Radana Hovorková
Laboratory standards and chemicals, pipettes, tips, accessories
tel: +420 286 589 819
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Mgr. Zdeňka Šťastná, Ph.D.
Matrix reference materials, REACH compliance, SDS
tel: +420 286 589 819
e-mail: msds@analytika.net

Stela Bajusová
Sales representative
tel: +420 286 589 819
e-mail: sales@analytika.net

Testing laboratory

Mgr. Petr Šmejkal
Testing Laboratory Manager
tel: +420 605 253 726
e-mail: laborator@analytika.net