We issue product accompanying documentation including all data and information needed for proper use of our products. The documentation meets the relevant requirements of the applicable TNI Instructions of ISO and requirements of applicable legislation.

Product documentation is available for download on the web site of ANALYTIKA. 

The relevant documents can also be found in our e-shop in the “Documentation” tab for every product or with the help of our “document search engine” accessible via our homepage. 


Certificate for premium series of reference material manufactured within the scope of the relevant accreditation (BLUE LINE)

The certificate issued for our premium series of certified reference materialsis formulated in compliance with TNI Instruction ISO 31.

The certificate includes, inter alia:

  • The certified concentration value in mg/L
  • Specific density and its extended uncertainty in g/cm3
  • Mass fraction in mg/kg derived from density
  • Shelf life/expiration date
  • Extended information on possible trace impurities
  • Information about certification and relations of the reference materials
  • Homogeneity and stability data

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Certificate for basic series of reference material manufactured within the scope of the relevant accreditation (RED LINE)

The certificate issued for our basic series of certified reference materials is formulated in compliance with TNI Instruction ISO 31.

The certificate includes, inter alia:

  • The certified concentration value in mg/L
  • Usable life/expiration date
  • Information about certification and relations of the reference materials
  • Homogeneity and stability data

Identification Note

Identification note for reference material manufactured within the scope of the relevant accreditation (GREEN LINE)

The identification note issued for reference materials manufactured within the scope of the relevant accreditation is formulated in compliance with TNI Instruction ISO 31. The note includes characterisation of the product and its relation to ASTASOL® certified reference materials.

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Identification note for reference material manufactured outside the scope of the relevant accreditation (ORANGE LINE)

The identification note issued for calibration solutions, tuning solutions for ICP, ICP-MS and chromatographic standards. The identification note is formulated in compliance with TNI Instruction ISO 31.

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Additional documentation

Detailed information about manufacture, certification, homogeneity and stability, identification and storage of the reference materials can be found in “Detailed Information about Preparation of Aqueous Calibration Solutions ASTASOL", a document available for download on the web site of our company on www.analytika.net.

Declaration of Quality

Quality certificate is issued for auxiliary solutions.

Analysis Protocol

Analytical protocols are issued for acids and reagents.

Safety Data Sheet

SDS is issued for every product classified as dangerous by applicable legislation. The SDS is publicly accessible on the web site www.analytika.net and/or on request.